Thursday, February 19, 2009

Whoop-de-do! I have Lyrics!

I received an email from a mom who shared this story with me regarding one of my blog posts.

"Miss Vanlandingham,

I just did a Google search on "Whoop-de-do" and
your blog came up. We enjoyed listening to your duet with your student and we would love to use your lyrics to help wth tempo, etc. My son loves to sing and usually sings at his piano recitals even when no one else does. He will be playing Whoop-de-do! by Kim Williams at a music competition on March 7th.

Thank you for your help!

Susan Amalong"

My pleasure, Susan, I'd love to share the lyrics! Below are the audio recordings of this duet and my lyrics for it.



This is the sweet level-one piano duet by Kim Williams that Susan was refering to. In the audio above I'm playing it with one of my young beginning students. The song doesn't have any words, so I wrote my own lyrics for it. The idea was to create a fun story that would capture my student's attention throughout this piece, and lift his spirits with music. He loved singing along as we played together at his lesson, and was able to keep the rhythm and tempo throughout the piece. Remember, parents and teachers, you don't have to be an opera singer to do this!

Here are the written lyrics so you can sing along too!

Here we go it's time to watch my favorite show
again it's called Whoop-de-do! It's a fun way just to
while away the afternoon with Boo!

But my homework is almost due, and my piano calls
me too, and then I need to clean my room - then I'll
watch my favorite show.

Gonna do my math, and spelling too. Then play my
tunes so I'll have time to watch my favorite show.

Here we go again it's time to watch my favorite show,
it's called Whoop-de-do! It's a fun show just for kids
like me on P-B-S. It's the best! Starting right now
with Boo!

My Piano Bears Musical Storybooks are also a fun way to share piano joy with children. They create a wonderful musical adventure I know your piano students will benefit from.

BTW, at you can download free my newest piano arrangement for intermediate students, American Liberty Jazz, published on January 20th, 2009.

Best Regards,

Cynthia Marie VanLandingham

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